

Waiting for--Someday?

Like the old song "Someday my prince will come", many of us waste too much of our time waiting for our "Someday". The time is now to take the first step. "Someday" will not come unless you go after it.

So ....Have you ever bought an article of clothing that was really too small or just a little snug in all the WRONG places? These are the "someday" outfits that sometimes end up spending years in the back of our closet. The intention is that "someday after I lose 10 pounds" or "someday when there are a few less tugs on the fabric" or "someday it will hang straight over that area and look better".
So...that article of clothing hangs in a dark corner of the closet waiting for that "someday". Sometimes we revisit those clothes and "someday" isn't here yet. Sometimes those clothes never see the light, still waiting for that "someday".

Most recently my fitness journey has been centered around my health, as well as hoping to set a good example for my children. My goal has also been to light a fire under my husband and encourage him to take charge of his health. But I have to say, although I am no longer on a quest to look great in a bikini, (don't get me wrong--I do like looking better in my clothes) I am very pleased that my "someday" is here! Keeping my commitment to my workouts and Shakeology has surprised even me. I challenged myself and am able to reap the rewards.  My "someday" clothes now fit and feel like new friends instead of my enemies in the closet. What used to fit is now loose. Life is so much simpler when you head into your closet and don't have to sift through "almost there" and the "not yet" and even the "used to" clothes.

If you are on the way to your "someday" don't forget that along the way to the transformation you see on the outside you will be making the most beneficial changes on the inside. You are doing yourself a huge favor by choosing to make your health a priority. You are treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated. The self-esteem you acquire from setting a goal, sticking to it no matter what obstacles try to derail you, and achieving your milestones, is far bigger than the compliments you will receive. We are striving for progress, not perfection here. Make each step along the way a joyful move, reaching for your personal best.

As always, I wish everyone good health, and happiness. But I also would like to wish everyone a very happy "Someday"! Take charge! Make positive choices! "Someday" may be sooner than you think! : )

Be Healthy and Happy by Choice!
If you're thinking "Someday I'll get started", let "Someday" be today.

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