

The Best New Year's Resolution I Ever Made... (Can You Guess What it Was?)

 So it happens every year about this time. Much thought can be given to it for weeks, or even months, but it all comes down to that magical date on the calendar. It's a time when so many of us commit or resolve to make some kind of change for the better. It is seen as a new beginning, a renewal of commitment. But doesn't that one day carry too much weight? Doesn't that allow you to feel like the rest of the year doesn't quite matter?

     With so much riding on the particular date does that set you up for failure or disappointment? Why would this absolute date mean you can be more successful than any other time? What happens then, if you don't follow through? Do you have to wait another year to commit (like all good diets start on a Monday)? How do you feel? Do you beat yourself up, feel worse than you did before because you did not have the power to change the very habit that you felt strongly committed to change? You declared it a resolution, after all. Or do you just throw your hands up in the air and decide it's no big deal, just your usual M.O. --though you really are frustrated or disappointed with yourself?