

Yoga Can Be Very Underrated

There are many benefits to Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice but has gained much popularity in recent times. There are many reasons why.

If you asked me twenty or thirty years ago if I liked yoga, or was even interested in trying a class, I probably would have turned you down. For years I put yoga in the same category as golf. I thought it was meant for someone older, for someone who couldn't run or do aerobic exercise. I thought for any exercise to be truly beneficial you had to push your cardiovascular system to a maximum range and/or sweat like crazy.

Well I am proving myself wrong. As it turns out, there are many benefits from practicing yoga and you don't have to wait until you are old at all. As I have also said with golf, I wish I had started many years earlier. I tried yoga at home with a simple CD years ago but still didn't take it seriously. I realized the calming effecting but didn't really commit to it to notice any other benefits.