

BeachBody 21-day Ultimate Reset-- My Diary--Day 21

Day 21! Is it the end of the journey --or a new beginning?

The Final Showdown!
Breakfast - Enjoyed my beautiful fruit before I got back on the road for home. Today I added a few cherries and grapes.
Lunch - I had to plan for lunch on the road. I had plenty of shredded carrots but not all the ingredients for the carrot-seaweed medley (I am looking forward to trying it another time). So I made the Moroccan carrot salad I missed before I drove up a few days ago. It was easy to pull off the road and eat it. Also very tasty, again combinations I would not have thought of.
Dinner -  I may be sounding like a broken record. However, I have to admit again that dinner was easy to prepare and very tasty. I don't think I ever roasted vegetables in the summer before, I usually try to stay out of the hot kitchen as much as possible. I loved the combination of flavors and the simplicity. This continues to reinforce to me that it really isn't tougher or more time-consuming to eat healthy meals. It is warm enough today that it was great to have the avocado-cucumber soup chilled.
Dinner 21--satisfying, delicious, no frills
                                                                                                           I loved it.
For three weeks now I have been doing my body a favor from the inside out. I have gained so much more than simply weight loss or a notch on my belt. I have gained a new appreciation for food the way it is meant to be eaten. I have come to appreciate even more how simple it is to make heath a priorityI have absolutely enjoyed keeping my mind open to new foods and new combinations, and new ways to prepare. Not once did I get bored with recipes or miss any of the foods I omitted (okay, at first I would have loved a little dessert, but it is not important to me now)
Tomorrow I will get on the scale and I’m hoping I will get follow up lab work to compare my before and after results. And-oh yes, I think I may just start my day with fruit.

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