

Whats In Your Cup?

I did not write the following paragraph, though I wish I had. It expresses, so clearly, thoughts that I have had for a long time. I would love to credit the author but have no idea who it is. This is just one of those wonderful things I came across randomly on the internet. Through all the mess of negative posts we see constantly, this positive message stands out as one I deem worth sharing, and would love for it to be shared (and practiced) repeatedly.

So what's in your cup?
If it's negativity, greed, bitterness, jealousy, animosity, rudeness...pour it down the drain and refill your cup with kindness, goodness and love.

Often we may look in our cup and it appears empty. We don't do anything to keep it full. We spend our time and effort working, striving to pay the bills and get ahead. Women are also especially guilty of putting everyone else first; in many cases about the time our kids are grown we find ourselves caring for an ill spouse or aging parents. We can't expect others to fill our cup for us. We need to find a way to keep our cup filled up with the right mixture that will nourish us and when it spills, uplift others.

-------------------Practice, Practice, Practice!------------------

Here's an example: to fill it with Kindness, practice kindness. It does not take a grand gesture. Just sit for a moment and think of something small you can do in your everyday life that would make someone smile, or make their day better in some way, then do it. 
If you want more Love in your cup, start by spending time with those you love and make sure they know how dear they are to you. Find a way on a regular basis to show them or tell them you love them. If you want more Goodness in your cup, practice goodness. Do what is right even when it is not the easiest. Treat everyone around you with dignity and respect. Be an example of what you want to see in the world. When you find some Joy in your cup, share it--the next time you take a sip there will be more there. And remember, practicing Gratitude will make your cup seem like it is always full to the point of overflowing.

I think it would be wonderful if there was a campaign where, like the Capital One slogan Jennifer Garner is known for ("What's in your wallet?"), we could talk to our friends and loved ones and ask, "What's in your cup?"
Isn't that more important anyway?

And whether your cup is half-full or half-empty,
 it is always refillable.

 #kindness everyday#share joy#gratitude#promote goodness